We get lots of questions from people looking to start up their own projects. I am happy to provide help to people looking to build their own projects and have put together Groundhouse Start Up as a simple coaching package to help you get started.
Groundhouse Start Up includes set of CAD drawings used to build the Brittany Groundhouse + second set for a simpler design without the roundroom. Both sets are to gain planning permission. Includes initial evaluation of options and viability of your project. Includes advice on presenting your vision and gaining credibility in early stages.
When you have progressed your project to the point where you are ready to plan the build itself, I offer a package of on-going coaching to enable you to best prepare for the work.
Groundhouse Build Coach provides more detail to prepare for building. Includes an indicative budget for the build, which is drawn up based on past experience and your particular build parameters and design modifications. I can also help put a team together. As you move into the build itself, you have the option to draw on my experience to break through barriers you hit and to come up with creative solutions.
I have over 25 years experience in introducing game changing sustainability ideas and projects and run my own climate and communications consultancy CLevel. These packages will enable you to benefit from my years of experience getting earthship projects through planning, started in the right way, and moving in the right direction. It can save you a lot of wasted time and money. Lets work together to get your project and vision moving…